Skepticism Over COVID-19 Vaccine Before November Election As FDA And CDC Bow To Pressure From Trump
There are more than six million cases of COVID-19 in the United States and nearly 190,00 Americans have died from the disease. Public health officials in all 50 states and five large cities have been […]
Endangering Lives Of Children Is Unacceptable: Trump Threatens To Cut Funds If Schools Don't Reopen
As of Wednesday’s airing of #RolandMartinUnfiltered there were 3,128,292 confirmed Coronavirus cases, 134,424 deaths and 1,373,435 recoveries. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidelines on school openings after Trump heavily criticized […]
"Making Up BullSh**": Trump Backtracks After CDC Head Warns COVID-19 Could Be Worse In The Winter
“Spinning, lying and just making up bullsh** …” After the head of the CDC said a second wave of COVID-19 will most likely be worse than the current coronavirus outbreak, Donald Trump started backtracking during […]